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並列篇名 |
A Survey of the Diminutives in the Hakka Dialects Spoken in Gaopi and Huliao Townships in Dapu County, Guangdong |
作者 |
鄭明中 (Ming-Chung Cheng) |
中文摘要 |
本研究調查廣東省大埔縣湖寮鎮與高陂鎮客家話小稱詞(綴/調),採用依調類分類的152個客家話常用單音節詞根語素做為調查字表,每個鎮選取兩位發音人調查,調查結果總結如下:(一)湖寮與高陂客家話小稱詞均以詞根語素後接小稱詞綴的方式呈現,小稱詞綴為[(t)ə31]。當小稱詞綴前的詞根語素為[-m, -n, -ŋ, -p, -t, -k]等輔音結尾時,小稱詞綴為[mə31, nə31, ŋə31, pə31, tə31, kə31]。當詞根語素以[a]結尾時,高陂鎮與湖寮鎮小稱詞綴使用[lə31],高陂鎮烏槎村則使用[ə31]。(二)高陂客家話有[35]及[55]兩個出現於詞根語素的連讀變調(均非本調),前者出現於陰平調字,後者則出現於去聲調字。湖寮客家話只有一個出現於陰平調字詞根語素的連讀變調[55](亦非本調)。湖寮與高陂客家話上聲調字與入聲調字均透過後接小稱詞綴來形成小稱詞,詞根語素無連讀變調產生。(三)湖寮客家話陰入調詞根語素後接小稱詞綴時有[tə31]或[tə55]兩種形式,這種自由變異顯示出小稱詞綴形態演變的過渡階段。(四)就整個音系而言,高陂客家話讀為[am, ap]韻者,湖寮客家話則讀為[aŋ, ak]韻,且只出現於韻核為[a]時,這種變化與發音簡化、元音舌位高度、鼻音發音位置前後,以及漢語方言韻尾演變有關。(五)大埔縣小稱詞綴的形態演變過程為[tə55] → [(t)ə55/31] → [(t)ə31]。最後,本研究將高陂與湖寮客家話小稱詞的調查結果與東勢客家話小稱詞的相關研究相互連結,企圖為東勢客家話小稱調的來源提供更合理的解釋。
英文摘要 |
This study targeted to investigate the diminutives of Hakka dialects spoken in Gaopi and Huliao townships in Dapu County, Guangdong. The word list used for the fieldwork survey included 152 common monosyllabic stems. Two speech informants in each township joined the study. They were asked to read the lexical tones, the sandhi tones, and the diminutives in their own dialects. The results are summarized as follows. First, diminutives are formed in the two townships by stems plus diminutive suffixes [(t)ə31]. When stems end with [-m, -n, -ŋ, -p, -t, -k], diminutive suffixes will surface as [mə31, nə31, ŋə31, pə31, tə31, kə31]. When stems end with [a], the diminutive suffix emerges as [lə31]. Second, two sandhi tones [35/55] occur in Gaopi Hakka, but only one sandhi tone [55] occurs in Huliao Hakka. Both [35] and [55] are not lexical tones in these two Hakka dialects. Third, two diminutive suffixes are used to form diminutives for Yinru stems in Huliao Hakka, and such free variation shows a transitional stage between diminutive suffixes. Fourth, [am, ap] rimes in Gaopi are systematically changed to [aŋ, ak] rimes in Huliao. This change may result from ease of articulation, vowel height, place of nasals, and coda development in Chinese dialects. Fifth, diminutive suffixes in Dapu Hakka undergoes a series of changing stages, that is, [tə55]→[(t)ə55/31]→[(t)ə31]. Finally, this study links the results to the diminutives in Dongshi Hakka, and attempts to offer reasonable explanations for the origin of the diminutive tones in Dongshi Hakka.
起訖頁 |
137-164 |
關鍵詞 |
客家話、小稱、大埔、東勢、Hakka、diminutive、Dapu、Dongshi |
刊名 |
中正漢學研究 |
期數 |
202012 (36期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
「翦」字新詮:兼說卜辭「鬳小臣、小妾」 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
當代新儒家對陸象山學說的比較研究 |