運動文化資產之數位典藏與加值利用:以台灣棒球為例 Digital Archiving and Value Multiplication of Cultural Assets in Sports: A Case Study of Baseball Activities in Taiwan
音樂家數位典藏之探討:以李泰祥數位音樂圖書館為例 Research on Musician's Digital Archives: A Case Study of Li Tai-Hsaing's Digital Archives
圖書館組織創新管理流程之研究 Research on Innovative Management Process of Library Organization
從資訊素養觀點談檔案應用服務之推廣 Discussing the Promotion of Archives Services from the Viewpoint of Information Literacy
在職學生資訊素養與職業技能相關性之研究:以國立臺北商業技術學院為例 Correlation between Information Literacy and Professional Competence in On-Service Students: A Case Study of On-Service Students in National Taipei College of Business