200611 (59期)期所有篇 |
- 大學圖書館館藏發展的再省思 Rethinking Collection Development in University Libraries
- 臺灣地區檔案事業與檔案教育發展現況與前瞻 Development and Prospect of Archival Works and Archival Education in Taiwan
- 鄉鎮圖書館館員工作生活品質之研究 Rural Librarians' Quality of Working Life
- 數位時代圖書館功能及角色的變遷 The Changes of Library's Function and Role in a Digital Era
- RFID在博物館的應用 Applications of RFID in Museums
- 古代民間借書:歷史的二十六個瞬間 Books Circulation among Ancient Chinese Readers: Twenty-Six Twinkling Historical Moments
- 淺論保存後設資料 A Preliminary Study of Metadata Preservation
- 從異質性數位資源整合探討MODS與METS A Study of MODS and METS from the Perspectives of Digital Resources Interoperability