200502 (52期)期所有篇 |
- 圖書館事業之價值 The Values of Librarianship
- 資料庫權益主體的權利義務平衡機制分析 Analysis of the Balanced Right-Obligation Mechanism of Database Rights and Interests Subjects
- 模糊分類應用於圖書館資訊選粹服務系統 Application of Fuzzy Classification to the Library System of Selective Dissemination of Information
- 海峽兩岸電子資源共享聯盟比較 Comparison of the Consortium of Electronic Resources between Mainland China and Taiwan
- 美國總統圖書館介紹:歷史與網站資源 An Introduction to US Presidential Libraries: History and Website Resources
- 我國綜合證券商研究人員資訊尋求行為研究 Information-Seeking Behavior of Securities Analysts in Taiwan
- 網路時代社會科學研究者使用政府資訊之探討 The Use of Government Information by Social Scientists in World Wide Web Era