200411 (51期)期所有篇 |
- 大學圖書館與大學生的資訊素養問題再思 Rethinking the Connections between Information Literacy and University Libraries
- 鄉鎮圖書館館藏發展及資源共享問題探討 A Study of Collection Development and Resource Sharing of Township Libraries
- 新聞工作者如何蒐集資料?專家知識的初探 How Journalists Gather Information? An Explorative Study
- 圖書館與檔案界人物數位圖書館的建置與評鑑 Establishment and Evaluation of Library and Archives People Digital Library Project
- 多元文化主義與資訊服務 Multiculturalism and Information Service
- 以新資訊科技強化圖書館業務:香港浸會大學圖書館系統部之經驗 Strengthening System-based Support to Library Services: Experience of the Systems Office at the Hong Kong Baptist University Library
- 開放式資訊取用之現況發展分析 A Review on Current Development of Open Access and Its Implications for Scholarly Communication
- 檔案描述標準MARC AMC與EAD之對映 A Study of the Transferability between MARC AMC and EAD