財金法學研究 The Financial Law Review |
202009 (3:2期)期所有篇 |
- 論無卡分期之法律性質及其衍生問題 The Legal Problem of Installments Payment Without Using Credit Cards
- 香港澳門關係條例停止適用之可能方式及其影響──以外人直接投資為核心 The Possible Approaches on the Suspension of the Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong & Macao Affairs:Focus on the Impact of External Investment
- 租賃住宅市場發展及管理條例適用問題之初探-以公證人審查為視角 The Perspective of a Notary Verifying Power:A Primary Discussion about the Application Problemof Rental Housing Market Development and Regulation Act.
- 藥品專利強制授權之法律經濟分析──從Coase定理到Calabresi之道德成本 Legal and Economic Analysis of Compulsory Licensingof Medicine Patents:From Coase Theorem to Moral Hazard of Calabresi