軍事治理下的地方社會:以金門華僑網絡為中心之考察 Local Society under Military Governance: A Study of the Chinese Diaspora Networks of Quemoy, 1949-1970s
戰火下的記憶政治:金門,1949-2008 The Politics of Memory in a Geopolitical Flashpoint: Kinmen (Quemoy), 1949-2008
邊陲島嶼再中心化:馬祖進香的探討 Pilgrimage in the De-militarized Islands in Taiwan
從「交換」看族群互動與文化再創造:日治初期苗栗地區泰雅族的研究 Exploring Ethnic Interaction and Culture Reinvention from Perspectives of Exchange: A Study of Miaoli Atayal in the Early Japanese Colonial Period