中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
202406 (66:2期)期所有篇 |
- 生氣壓抑之自主神經與心血管反應 Autonomic and Cardiovascular Responses to Anger Suppression
- 台灣老年人路徑描繪測驗與彩色路徑描繪測驗心理計量特性與常模:初探研究 Psychometric Properties and Norms of the Trail Making Test and the Color Trails Test for Taiwan’s Elderly Population: A Preliminary Study
- 威權領導範型的效果比較:個人中心取向觀點 The Effectiveness of Authoritarian Leadership Profiles: A Person-centered Approach
- 規範多元文化主義對澳門菲律賓移民文化認同和生活滿意度影響之初探 The Influence of Normative Multiculturalism on the Cultural Identity and Life Satisfaction of Filipino Immigrants in Macau