中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
202303 (65:1期)期所有篇 |
- 道德評價中的虛偽傾向及潛規則偏好的影響:以「送禮」為例 Hypocrisy Tendency in the Moral Evaluation and the Effect of Hidden Rule Preference in the Case of Bribery
- 華人親子觀與現代孝行關係:雙元孝道信念中介效果檢驗 The Relationship between Views on the Chinese Parent-Child Relation and Modern Filial Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Dual Filial Piety Belief
- 利用系統多因子技術探討團體決策優勢 Using Systems Factorial Technology to Investigate Collective Benefit in Group Decision-Making
- 幽默與創造力兩階段歷程之神經網絡的分離 Dissociation of Neural Networks for Two-Stage Humor and Creativity Processing