中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
202003 (62:1期)期所有篇 |
- 代間依附關係與其對老年生活適應的效果:以成年子女孝道信念與關係自主性作為前置因素 Intergenerational Attachment Relationship and Its Effect on Elderly Life Adaptation: Adult Children's Filial Belief and Relating Autonomy as Antecedents
- 慢性病患者病後生活變動、罹病情緒、預期控制、自我照顧與憂鬱的關係:疾病調適雙路徑探討 Illness life change, illness-related distress, perceived control, self-care behaviors, and depression in chronic patients: A dual illness adaptation path
- 以情緒注意網絡作業探討廣泛性焦慮症的注意偏誤修正之潛在機制 Efficacy of Attention Bias Modification for Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Using Emotional Attention Network Test as an Evaluation of the Underlying Mechanism
- 思覺失調症之人臉情緒辨識及其與神經認知及心智推理之關係 Facial Emotion Recognition and Its Relationships with Neurocognition and Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia
- 以影像為基礎的臉孔辨識:探討線畫臉、色像素與光影以及空間頻率的效應 Image-based Approach to Face Recognition: Effects of Line-drawn Faces, Pigmentation and Shading, and Spatial Frequency