關於建築結構,我們挑戰了什麼! What have we challenged about architectural structures!
超越時代的結構家──渡邊邦夫 Structural Engineer beyond the times - Kunio Watanabe
與世界連結的台灣結構挑戰:從與渡邊合作的歷史博物館看結構挑戰 Taiwan's Structural Challenges Connecting with the World Working with Kunio Watanabe in the project of Taiwan Historical Museum
與世界連結的台灣結構挑戰:從與渡邊合作的向山與第一航廈看結構挑戰 Taiwan's Structural Challenges Connecting with the World Working with Kunio Watanabe in the projects of Sien-Sun and Terminal 1
由日本飄洋過海的結構種子與精神 Structural Seeds and Spirit Drifting Across the Sea from Japan
在台灣結構勇於挑戰的結構家 A Structural Engineer in Taiwan Who Challenges Structural Boundaries