一段建築的香格里拉──〈香格里拉計畫〉 Out-of-the-world Sceneries: In My Journey of Architecture
自己教室自己造的校園 The Empowerment Campus at CTBC International Academy
觀念的建立,想法的迴盪──五個畢設作品的教學筆記與初衷 Establishing and Reverberating Ideas-Teaching Notes on the Initial Intentions of Five Thesis Projects
當代煉金術的旅程 On the Way towards Contemporary Bricoleur
從獨創到共創:淺談建築繁殖場,實體建構經驗及社區規劃實作觀察 From Solo-creation to Co-creation: A Comparative Observation on the Design/Making Experience between Interbreeding Field and Community Empowerment