由「小」前行──尋找安頓的場域實踐 From Small move Forward: Field making for nding settlement
教會空間的社會參與──以菁寮聖十字架堂為例 Social participation in the space of the Chingliao Holy Cross Church
白冷會在台東的人道建築 The Humanitarian Architecture of Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem in Taitung
挑戰與更多的挑戰──台灣-雷伊漢勒世界公民中心 Challenges and more Challenges: The Taiwan -- Reyhanli Centre for World Citizens (2016-)
平等的美學及構築的權力 Aesthetics of equality and the right to build
以關係創造為本的都市再生──基隆社區規劃師駐地計畫的空間改造行動 Urban regeneration oriented by relationship creation: Spatial reconstruction actions of community planner residency plan in Keelung
大量交織之一百元的大直社區改造計畫 Streetscape Transformation of DaZhi District in under NTD$100
用建築學習回應社會真實需求的空間實踐大手牽小手的社會參與設計行動 Space Making of Implementing Architectural Learning in Response to Social Needs -- Let's Start Design Actions in Society Participation
行旅台灣鄉村建築的空間再生與創生之觀察筆記──以銘傳大學建築系「高山上的建築課」空間協力構築的實踐為例 Observation on the Regeneration and Creation of Rural in Taiwan: An Architectural Travel of ''Regional Architectural Aesthetics and Tectonics on the Mountain''