明代研究 Journal of Ming Studies |
201912 (33期)期所有篇 |
- 易代歷史書寫與明中葉蘇州張士誠記憶之復歸 Writing about Dynastic Change and the Return of Memories of Zhang Shicheng in Suzhou in the Late Fifteenth Century
- 香事書寫如何展現世界?以晚明《香乘》為主的探討 How do Writings on Incense Represent the World?A Study of the Records on Incense (Xiangsheng) in the Late Ming Dynasty
- 療疾、判案與悟道:明清自撰年譜中的夢兆經驗與異人遭遇 Curing Diseases, Solving Criminal Cases and Becoming Enlightened: Dreamscape Experiences and Strange Encounters in Ming and Qing Autobiographical Chronologies
- 「朝鮮」如何進入明清史家的視界 How "Choson" Entered the World of Ming-Qing Historians
- 附魅與祛魅:朱元璋像的真相 Charm or Talisman: The Truth of Zhu Yuanzhang's Portraits
- 評介李新峰《明代衛所政區研究》 Book Review: Li, Xin-feng, A Study on Weisuo Garrisons in the Ming Dynasty
- 2018-2019年臺灣地區明代研究論著目錄 Ming Research Publications in 2018-2019
- 科技部學術補助獎勵之明代相關專題研究計畫(108 年度) Grants for Ming Research Projects Approved by Ministry of Science and Technology, 2019