新方案與十五世紀晚期江南水利改革 New Management Strategies and Hydrological Reform in the Late Fifteenth-Century Lower Yangzi Delta
明清山西稻作種植:「用水極大化」的嘗試 Paddy Rice Promotion in Shanxi (1368-1911): “Irrigation to Maximization”
明清華南海島的經營與開發:以北部灣潿洲島為例 The Management of South China Islands from the Ming to the Qing: A Case Study of Weizhou Island in the Gulf of Tonkin
何炳棣著《明清社會史論》譯註:〈第三章向上流動:進入仕途〉 Annotated Chinese Translation of Ping-ti Ho’s The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911, chapter III, “Upward Mobility: Entry into Officialdom.”