特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
200712 (32:4期)期所有篇 |
- 中文閱讀弱讀者的認知功能缺陷:視覺處理或是聲韻覺識? The Cognitive Deficit in Chinese Dyslexia: Visual Processing or Phonological Awareness?
- 特定型語言障礙兒童音韻短期記憶能力之初探 Phonological Short-Term Memory in Children with Specific Language Impairment
- 聲調視覺回饋教學對聽障兒童唸讀與聽辨語詞聲調之學習效果 Visual Feedback Training to Promote Mandarin Disyllabic Tone Perception and Production in Hearing-Impaired Children
- 調整說話速度訓練方案對痙攣型腦性麻痺者說話清晰度的影響 The Impact of a Speaking-Rate Training Program on Speech Intelligibility in Students with Spastic Cerebral Palsy
- 學前兒童色塊測驗之編製 Development of the Token Test for Chinese-Speaking Preschoolers