科學與工程技術期刊 Journal of Science and Engineering Technology |
202403 (20:1期)期所有篇 |
- 矽溶膠之pH值與水熱持溫時間影響產物形貌之研究 Influences of pH and Hydrothermal Temperature Holding Time on the Morphology of Silica Gel
- 含鋰廢不斷電電源供應器UPS組成分析之研究 Compositional Analysis of Waste Lithium-Containing Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
- 陶壺釉面之物性分析及對茶湯香氣的影響 Characterization of the Glazed Pottery Pot and Its Impact on Tea Aroma
- 可變形及移位之接駁輪椅的輔具開發 Development of a Reconfigurable and Displaceable Wheelchair Assistance Device with Lightweight Structure
- 不可逆機構設計與鍍膜技術應用於可變型脊椎融合器開發 Design and Development of a Deformable Spinal Cage Using an Irreversible Mechanism and Coating Technology
- 環境監測物聯網系統之開發設計 Development of Environmental Monitoring System