科學與工程技術期刊 Journal of Science and Engineering Technology |
201803 (14:1期)期所有篇 |
- 植基於倒傳遞神經網路與 GPU 加速技術之訪客管理系統 設計與實作 Design and Implementation of a Visitor Management System by Using Graphics Processing Unit-Accelerated Back-Propagation Neural Networks
- 運用蟻群最佳化方法實現個人化行動學習系統 Applying Ant Colony Optimization to the Implementation of a Personalized Mobile Learning System
- 國小教師對水足跡的認知、態度及教學應用之研究 Cognition, Attitude, and Pedagogical Application of Water Conservation Concerns for Elementary School Teachers
- 大葉大學校園步道之生態友善度評估 Evaluation of Eco-Friendliness of Campus Trails at Da-Yeh University
- 蔥田畦間自主行進載具之控制裝置設計實現 Design and Implementation of an Automated Guided Vehicle in Green Onion Farmlands
- 以甘蔗渣廢棄物生產生質酒精之研究 Biorefining of Sugarcane Bagasse for Bioethanol Production
- 利用顏色字串與權重函數之京劇臉譜檢索 Color Strings and Weighting Function for Peking Opera Mask Retrieval