科學與工程技術期刊 Journal of Science and Engineering Technology |
201109 (7:3期)期所有篇 |
- 以田口法優化大量微細銅粉合成參數之研究 A Mass Production Method for Synthesizing Ultrafine Copper Powder Optimized Using the Taguchi Method
- 模擬退火法應用在含中空基板之排版 Using Simulated Annealing to 2D Nesting Problems on Hollow Sheets
- TRIZ創新設計運用在衣架之改良 Applying TRIZ to Innovate Hanger Design Improvements
- 運用TRIZ的趨勢來解析捆包機的設計 Using TRIZ Trend to Analyze the Design of Packaging Machines
- 狹長圓形穴槽潛流場之渦心位置與邊壁剪應力 Positions of Vortex Centers and Wall Shear Stresses for a Creeping Flow Field with an Extremely Long Circular Cavity
- 新型快拆式工具機滑座之最佳化設計與研發 Optimal Design and Development for a New Quick-released Type Slide Seat of Machine Tools