醫務管理期刊 Journal of Healthcare Management |
201506 (16:2期)期所有篇 |
- 護理人員正向情緒對血液透析病人樂觀度之影響 Effect of Nurse’s Positive Emotions on Dialysis Patient’s Optimistic Attitude
- 運用地圖化個案管理系統於社區醫院居家訪視之研究 Combining Maps and a Case Management System to Support Home Visits by Community Hospitals
- 台灣地區兒童燒燙傷門診就診率趨勢之研究 A Study of Trends in Outpatient Visits by Children with Burns in Taiwan
- 應用數位化科技於抗生素整合管理--以成人門診抗生素為例 A Digital-Technologic Integration Platform for an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program - Prescribing Antibiotics for Adults in Ambulatory Care
- 醫管職能與科系競爭力之評選模式 An Evaluation Model to Examine Health Care Managerial Competencies and the Competitiveness of College Departments