運用團隊資源管理提升外科病房醫護團隊之訊息連結及值班滿意度 Apply Team Resource Management to Improve Surgical Ward of the Health Care Team Information Links and Watchkeeping Satisfaction
應用條碼科技於大腸鏡檢查受檢者辨識正確性之改善專案 Application of Bar Code Technology to Improve Safety Identification in Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy
電腦化進行醫院臨床失智評量表之可行性分析——以南部某醫學中心檢查紀錄為例 An Analysis of the Feasibility of Using a Computer-aided Technique to Score the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale
運用PDCA循環提升長期照護機構住民用餐滿意度 Using a PDCA Cycle to Improve Residents' Dietary Satisfaction at a Long-term Care Facility
運用醫品圈手法降低化學治療處方異常率 Proposal for Reducing the Rate of Chemotherapy Prescription Errors