醫務管理期刊 Journal of Healthcare Management |
201409 (15:3期)期所有篇 |
- 醫療服務國際化議題的研究發展與趨勢:國際期刊文獻之內容分析 Research status and trends in the international medical tourism industry: A content analysis of the international literature
- 建置藥品調劑檢核資訊系統輔助門急診調劑作業及成效評估 Developing and evaluating the effectiveness of a Dispensing and Inspection Information Technology System to support outpatient and emergency dispensing operations in a regional hospital
- 飲食份量拼圖介入對糖尿病患飲食控制之成效探討 Effi cacy of Diet Portion Mapping Intervention on Dietary Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- 運用精實方法改善檢驗作業流程之實證研究 An evidence-based study applying lean methodology to improve processes in a hospital laboratory
- 利用管制圖偵測財務報表科目異常之成效探討 The effi cacy of determining abnormal fi nancial indicators by using control charts in a hospital