醫務管理期刊 Journal of Healthcare Management |
201312 (14:4期)期所有篇 |
- 入口網站關鍵字與醫院曝光度之比較 Comparisons of the visibility of portal websites and the key words used for hospitals in Taiwan
- 雲端平台上的居家護理管理支援系統之研究 An Approach to a Management Support System for Home Care on Cloud Platforms
- 探究長照機構護理人員對雲端藥事照護系統之使用意願 Adopting Cloud-Based Mobile Pharmaceutical Care Systems in Nursing Homes Running head: Adopting CM-Pharm in Nursing Homes
- 運用醫品圈降低血液透析患者動靜脈瘻管阻塞率之前瞻性研究 Use of Healthcare Quality Improvement Circle Intervention to Decrease the Arteriovenous Shunt Occlusion Rate in Hemodialysis Patients
- 設定單一醫療品質指標閾值應用於醫院不同科別之合宜性探討--以跌倒發生率為例 The rationale for applying a single health care quality indicator threshold in different sections of the hospital-falls incidence for example