醫務管理期刊 Journal of Healthcare Management |
201309 (14:3期)期所有篇 |
- 以醫療異常事件發展高擬真團隊訓練模擬課程 Using Adverse Events to Develop a High-Fidelity, Simulation-Based Team Training Program
- 護理臨床教師對二年期護理師訓練成效之評價 Evaluation of a Two-year Training Program for Nurses by Preceptors
- 住院病人給藥流程導入條碼管控系統模式研究 An evaluation of a model involving bar-codes in the process of inpatient medication distribution
- 運用失效模式與影響分析來改善門診病人採檢的流程 Improving the process of outpatient blood sampling by using failure mode and effects analysis
- 提昇住院醫師病歷紀錄品質教學活動之探討 A Study on Improving the Quality of Residents’ Medical Records through Continuing Education