醫務管理期刊 Journal of Healthcare Management |
201303 (14:1期)期所有篇 |
- 糖尿病患血糖控制的假期效應--醫病關係之影響 Glycemic Control during the Holiday Time in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: The Impact of the Patient-Physician Relationship
- 從需求理論探討病人權利的落實認知與管理 Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to investigate the cognitive recognition and management of patients’ rights
- 身心障礙照護機構照顧服務員工作倦怠、社會支持與留任意願相關性之探討 The relationships among burnout, social support and intention to stay among caregivers in service agencies for the disabled
- 低碳綠能醫院逐步建置:不同時期建物之空調冰水系統之整合 Step-by-step guidelines for a low-carbon and green energy hospital: Integration of the ice-storage air-conditioning system at different stages of building renovation
- 中醫雲端照護模式之建立--以糖尿病為例 A Model of Cloud Computing that includes Chinese Medicine in the treatment of Diabetes