長庚人文社會學報 Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
201704 (10:1期)期所有篇
荷馬史詩與中國文學中的苜蓿--比較古代東西方植物 Alfalfa in Homer's Epics and Chinese Literature: A Comparative Study on the East and West Plants in Ancient Times
從「一對繡枕」、「一件百襉裙」到「一片天空」──通識核心課程中所見之女性議題 From “A Pair of Embroidered Pillows” and “A Pleated Skirt” to “A Piece of Sky”: Women's Issues in the Core Curriculum
《莊子.齊物論》的指、馬之喻:批評與新詮 The Metaphors of “Finger” and “Horse” in the Chapter of On Equalizing Things in the Zhuangzi: Criticisms and New Interpretation
依附關係、情緒、與男性青少年無自殺意圖之自傷行為之關聯:以負向情緒及情緒調節困難為中介變項 Attachment Style, Emotion, and Non-Suicidal Self-Harm Behavior of Male Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Negative Emotion and Emotion Regulation Difficulty