長庚人文社會學報 Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
201610 (9:2期)期所有篇
臺灣寺廟彩繪的研究──以花鳥彩繪為例 The Research of Taiwan Temple Painted: Using Birds and Flowers Painting as an Example
臺灣地景的第一道虹彩──高拱乾《臺灣府志.藝文志》所載〈臺灣八景詩〉之詩意探討 The First Rainbow of Taiwan’s Landscapes: The study of Poems of Eight Wonders recorded in Gong-Qian Gao’s Taiwan Chorography, Yiwenzhi
中國面相學是一種科學嗎?大學生面相、心理資本、與學業成績之效標初探研究 A Preliminary Study on the Relationship among College Students’ Physiognomy, Psychological Capital, and Learning Achievement