長庚人文社會學報 Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
201504 (8:1期)期所有篇
孫應時與史彌遠 The Relationships between Sun Yinshi and Shi Miyuan
《樂府詩集.雜曲歌辭》收詩與分類之商榷 The Possible Miss on the Collection and Classification Standard of the Miscellaneous Yuefu Songs - Further Thoughts
探討哈伯瑪斯的「審議」學說對「直接民主」之態度:一個透過卡爾.施密特「憲法學」之反省 Investigating Habermas's Attitude towards the 'Direct Democracy' in his Deliberative Theory: A Reflection via Carl Schmitt's Constitutional Doctrine
檔案分享網路儲存廠商之會員制度與服務品質差別策略分析 The Choice of Membership and Service Discrimination of File-Sharing Cloud Storage Service Provider