不同社會系絡因素對臺灣選民投票抉擇的影響:以2016年總統選舉為例 The Effect of Social Context on Individual Vote Choices: Evidence from Taiwan's 2016 Presidential Election
地方選舉「去政黨標籤化」的現象與詮釋:以2018年地方公職人員選舉為例 The Phenomenon and Interpretation of Removal of the Party Labels: Evidence from the 2018 Local Elections in Taiwan
社會距離與兩岸關係認知:臺灣民衆統獨立場的實證分析 Social Distance and Cross-Strait Relations: Taiwanese Attitudes toward the Independence/Unification Issue
在野黨的選舉策略與優勢政黨的敗選:伊斯蘭黨與2018年馬來西亞國會選舉的實證研究 Opposition Parties' Electoral Strategies and the Defeat of Dominant Parties: An Empirical Study of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) and the 2018 Malaysian General Election