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The Effect of Social Context on Individual Vote Choices: Evidence from Taiwan's 2016 Presidential Election
作者 周應龍
在近幾年的選舉中,網路成了候選人決戰的新場域。選民透過網路獲取政治資訊、與候選人、朋友在網路上互動,最終決定其投票對象,這也代表在投票行為的研究中,我們必須重視網際網路所帶來的影響。本研究認為選民可以在網路上獲取各種資訊,並且透過網路社群與其他人產生互動,相當適合使用投票行為研究當中的社會學研究途徑(sociological approach)來分析,網際網路可說是一種因科技進步所產生的新社會系絡。但新的社會系絡形成,並不代表既有的社會系絡就會消失不見,只是影響力可能產生變化。本研究以2016年的總統選舉為例,比較傳統社會系絡因素(外在總體環境、人際討論系絡、傳統媒體閱聽系絡)和社群媒體系絡因素對選民投票行為的影響。本研究同時進行電話調查及網路調查。經控制政黨認同之後,在電話訪問方面,發現傳統媒體閱聽系絡的電視新聞、人際討論系絡對於選民的投票行為具有影響力,但社群媒體並未如預期具有影響力。至於網路調查方面的結果,社群媒體則具有顯著影響力,其他傳統的社會系絡因素中,人際討論也同樣具有顯著影響力。本研究結果顯示我們不可忽略社會系絡在投票行為研究中的重要性。
In recent years, the internet has become more and more important in elections. Since the internet has become a major source of information for voters whilst also providing a platform for people to discuss politics, it can be concluded that the internet has a major impact on voters' decisions. Therefore, it has become important for more studies to be focused on this phenomenon. Due to the social nature of the internet with the fast-paced societal changes which it brings about, this study uses a sociological approach of voting behavior to understanding this phenomenon. However, this does not suggest that the internet and new social media are eclipsing the more traditional forms of social contexts. Instead, this study suggests that new social media and social contexts are indicative of new and interesting changes taking place. This study concentrates on the 2016 presidential election and specifically looks at different contextual factors. These include social environment, interpersonal discussion, traditional media and social media. This research conducted both a telephone survey and a web survey. After controlling for party identification, we find that interpersonal discussion and TV news have significant effects on voter choice in the telephone survey. Social media only showed their impact in the web survey. Our research suggests that we cannot ignore social context factors.
起訖頁 1-52
關鍵詞 社會系絡社群媒體總統選舉投票行為social contextsocial mediaPresidential Electionvoting behavior
刊名 選舉研究  
期數 202105 (28:1期)
出版單位 政大出版社;國立政治大學選舉研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 地方選舉「去政黨標籤化」的現象與詮釋:以2018年地方公職人員選舉為例




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