政治知識的性別差異:測量內容之探討 Gender Difference in Political Knowledge: A Measurement Perspective
住宅電話與手機雙底冊調查的組合估計:以2016 總統選舉預測為例 Post-Stratified Estimation Procedures for the Dual Frame Telephone Survey in Taiwan: The Case of the 2016 Presidential Election
政治化到動員? 2004-2016 年台灣首投族投票率的縱貫性研究 Politicized to Mobilize? A Longitudinal Study of First-Time Voters’ Voting Intentions in Taiwan, 2004-2016
競選期間選民對候選人評價的變化:以2012 年台灣總統選舉為例 Change in Voters’ Candidate Evaluation during a Political Campaign: A Case Study of the 2012 Presidential Election in Taiwan