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政治化到動員? 2004-2016 年台灣首投族投票率的縱貫性研究
Politicized to Mobilize? A Longitudinal Study of First-Time Voters’ Voting Intentions in Taiwan, 2004-2016
作者 Karl Ho (Karl Ho)Cal Clark (Cal Clark)Alexander C. Tan (Alexander C. Tan)
Much has been made about the “coming of age” of many Taiwanese young and new voters as an important factor contributing to the gratifying electoral result of the DPP and its pan-Green allies. The Taiwanese case, then, may be considered an aberration as the increased political activism among the younger Taiwanese voters stands in some contrast to the supposed apathy of their counterparts in the Western world. Indeed, this particular generation of young Taiwanese voters may have been “politicized” so much so that they are also easily “mobilized.” In this paper, we examine whether Taiwanese new voters are indeed politicized and whether their politicization translates to voting intentions. Using longitudinal TEDS surveys to detect common patterns of first-time voters’ voting behavior, preliminary results from our multivariate analysis indicate that first-time voters are not different in likelihood of participating in voting compared to other voters. The subtle difference, however, resides on the viable options with which these young cohorts can identify. This can be part of the reason they are more supportive of the new parties than merely the traditional parties.
起訖頁 97-115
關鍵詞 年輕選民參與投票行為 動員首投族young votersparticipationvoting behaviormobilizationfirsttime voters
刊名 選舉研究  
期數 201711 (24:2期)
出版單位 政大出版社;國立政治大學選舉研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 住宅電話與手機雙底冊調查的組合估計:以2016 總統選舉預測為例
該期刊-下一篇 競選期間選民對候選人評價的變化:以2012 年台灣總統選舉為例




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