都市與計劃 City and Planning |
201506 (42:2期)期所有篇 |
- 從擴大租隙解析都市更新條例之新自由主義邏輯:地產博奕或優質再生? Exploring the Neoliberal Logic of Urban Renewal Act from the Expanded Rent Gap Perspective: A Real Estate Game or High Quality Regeneration?
- 跨域治理模式的建構與評估 Development and Evaluation of Cross-Boundary Governance Models
- 都會社區高地供水系統之行動者網絡研究 An Actor-network Analysis of Highland Water Supply System in Metropolitan Community
- 土地倫理為本之永續農業和原住民社區發展:以新縣尖石鄉泰雅族部落為例 Development of Sustainable Agriculture based on Land Ethics: A Study Case in Tayal Indigenous Community in Jianshih Township, Hsinshu County