華岡史學 Hwa Kang Journal of the Historical Studies |
202003 (7期)期所有篇 |
- 再論金朝中葉猛安謀克戶的貧困化──以世宗、章宗朝為主 Rethinking the Poverty of Meng-an mou-ke People during the Middle Period of Jin Dynasty: Shi Zong and Zhang Zong Period as Examples
- 中國近代知識份子救亡論述中的佛教角色 The Buddhist Role in the Theory of the Salvation of the Nation by Modern Chinese Intellectuals
- 1946年《中美關於讓售戰時剩餘物資協定》初探. The preliminary research of the ''Agreement between China and the United States for the sale of certain surplus war property'' in 1946
- 新民主主義時期的蘇北土地改革及反思 The Land Reform in the area of Northern Qiang-su Province and its retrospection of The China New Democracy in 1950's
- 「漢奸」的多元面貌:讀蔡登山《叛國者與「親日」文人》