華岡史學 Hwa Kang Journal of the Historical Studies |
201612 (4期)期所有篇 |
- 初期大乘時期的文殊菩薩與文殊法門 On the MaJjuzrI and MaJjuzrI Dharma of the Early Mahāyāna Period
- 「光明」與「黑暗」──明代寺廟圖像中的社會文化 Brightness' and 'Darkness'─Social Culture in the Images of Ming Dynasty Temples
- 海峽兩岸對古寧頭戰役論著及史料之比較研究 A Comparative Study of the Works and Historical Materials between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits on the Kuningtou Battle
- 初探榮工籃球隊之興衰及貢獻(1961-1988) The rise and decline of the Ret-Ser Engineering Agency Basketball Team and its Contribution(1961~1988)
- 娜塔莉‧澤蒙‧戴維斯《檔案中的虛構》讀後──夾雜於事實與謊言的救贖之間 Book reviews: “Fiction in the Archives: Pardon Tales and Their Tellers in Sixteenth- Century France” by Natalie Zemon Davis