高雄師大學報:人文與藝術類 KAOHSIUNG NORMAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL: Humanities and Arts |
201712 (43期)期所有篇 |
- 革故鼎新──1930年代廖漢臣的文學理念與實踐 The Concept and Practice of Literature by Liao Han-Chen in 1930s
- 現代化歷程中的海峽兩岸鄉土文學──以黃春明與閻連科為觀察核心 Cross-Straits Local Literature in the Processof Modernization-The Comparisonbetween Yan Lianke and Huang Chunmingin Local Literature Writing
- 潮神伍子胥的文化闡釋 Studies of the Cultural Implications of Wu Zi-Xu, 'God of the Tides'
- 莎士比亞《威尼斯商人》中的社會契約 The Social Contract in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice
- 佛法和桂冠樹神話的相遇 The Encounter of Dharma and Laurel Myth