技術學刊 Journal of Technology |
201403 (29:1期)期所有篇 |
- 異質採購圖形分析模式之研究 A Graphical Model for Analysis of Heterogeneous Procurement
- 應用有限元素分析改善盲孔法之銲接殘留應力量測 Improvement of Welding Residual Stress Measurement Based on the Blind-Hole Method Using Finite Element Analysis
- 添加樣品分析 Standard Addition Analysis
- 水旋風分離器溢流管結構對分級效率的影響 The Effects of a Hydrocyclone Overflow Pipe Structure on Separation Efficiency
- 液晶面板在高溫操作下品質客訴之改善 Improvement of TFT-LCD Quality in High-Temperature Operation from Customer Complaints
- 以機率分配為基礎的有意義視覺祕密分享 Probability-Based User-Friendly Visual Secret Sharing
- 以串疊式多階配電型靜態同步補償器應用於即時三相配電系統負載平衡與功因校正 Development of Multi-Level Cascaded Dstatcom for Real-Time Load Balancing and Power Factor Correction of Three-Phase Power Distribution System
- 應用於太陽能照明之智慧型複合電池充電控制器設計與研製 Design and Implementation of Intelligent Composite Battery Charger for Solar Energy Lighting Systems