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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Development of Multi-Level Cascaded Dstatcom for Real-Time Load Balancing and Power Factor Correction of Three-Phase Power Distribution System |
作者 |
張偉能、廖京桓 |
中文摘要 |
本文提出一個配電型靜態同步補償器,以應用於配電系統中三相不平衡負載的即時負載平衡與功因校正。以七階串疊式全橋轉換器作為此配電型靜態同步補償器主電路架構,可適用於高電壓、高功率應用。本文中,配電型靜態同步補償器主電路以△接線方式連接,並進行相獨立控制,適用於三相不平衡負載的即時負載補償。本文首先使用對稱成份法推導配電型靜態同步補償器的補償策略,並在MatLab/SimuLink程式中建構模擬系統以進行初步功能驗證。最後,本文架構一個硬體雛型,以實際測試驗證此△接線配電型靜態同步補償器對三相不平衡負載的補償效能。 |
英文摘要 |
This paper proposes a distribution level static synchronous compensator(DSTATCOM) based on multi-level full H-bridge (FHB) inverter withdelta configuration for real-time load balancing and power factor correctionof unbalanced loads in three-phase power distribution systems. Use ofcascaded FHB inverters for the main circuit of the DSTATCOM aresuitable for high-voltage and high-power applications. First, use of thesymmetrical components method derives the compensation algorithm ofthe delta-connected DSTATCOM. The DSTATCOM is built and simulatedwith the MatLab/SimuLink program for preliminarily verification.Finally, a hardware prototype is constructed for testing. Experimentalresults verify the function of the proposed DSTATCOM. |
起訖頁 |
69-78 |
關鍵詞 |
配電型靜態同步補償器、負載補償、全橋轉換器、實測驗證、DSTATCOM、FHB、hardware test、load compensation |
刊名 |
技術學刊 |
期數 |
201403 (29:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
以機率分配為基礎的有意義視覺祕密分享 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
應用於太陽能照明之智慧型複合電池充電控制器設計與研製 |