技術學刊 Journal of Technology |
200709 (22:3期)期所有篇 |
- 以類神經網路評估高性能混凝土的工作度 Neural Networks for Evaluating Workability of High-Performance Concrete
- 翡翠大壩變位監測警戒值及其視窗化展示查詢系統 Warning Values for Measured Displacement of Fei-Tsui Arch Dam and Its Window-Based Exihibition and Inquiry System
- 車床用從動刀架之改良設計 The Modification Design of the Follow Rest for Turning
- 撓性伺服機械系統之關節參數鑑別 Parameter Identificaton for the Joints of a Flexible Servomechanism
- 非線性反算分析於LTPP 試驗道路之研究 The Nonlinear Backcalculation for LTPP Test Sections
- 多目標船舶碰撞資訊的演算解析法 An Analytical Algorithm for Collision Information Among Multiple Vessels
- 以加入升溫機制之模擬退火演算法求解單原片方形物件排列問題 Solving a Two-Dimensional Packing Problem Using a Simulated Annealing Algorithm with a Rising Temperature Mechanism
- 老年人心電圖推理系統之研製 An ECG Reasoning System for the Elderly
- 無線視訊會議之保密通訊系統設計與安全性分析 Implementation and Security Analysis for a Wireless Video Conference Communication System
- 可切換式雙耦合線帶拒/帶通結構設計 Switchable Double Coupled-Line Band Reject/Band Pass Structures