戲劇研究 Journal of Theater Studies |
202301 (31期)期所有篇 |
- 晚清民國時期《西廂記》在法國的傳譯、改寫及其與域外漢學發展的互動──以儒蓮、莫朗與沈寶基為研究對象 Translations and Adaptations of The Story of the West Chamber from Late Qing to Early Republican Period and their Participation in the Development of European Sinology: Case Studies of Stanislas Julien, George Soulié de Morant and Shen Baoji
- 幻燈、電光、環球巡演與清末上海戲園的視覺轉向 Magic Lantern, Electric Lights, Global Touring and the Visual Turn of Late Qing Shanghai Theatre
- 一九七○年代泰國曼谷商業潮劇之劇團更迭與劇目發展 Commercial Teochew Opera in Bangkok: Troupes and Repertoire Development in the 1970s
- 東南亞移民工說、演生命故事:民眾戲劇《看.見.我.們》、《窮人的呼聲》與《我有一個夢》的情動空間與政治 Migrant Workers and Marriage Immigrants from Southeastern Asia Narrating and Performing Their Life Stories: The Affective Space and Politics in People’s Theatre, Look at Us, The Cry of the Poor, and I Have a Dream
- 虛擬肉身與數位現場之間:後疫情時代臺灣視窗裡的線上戲劇「新現場」初探 From Virtual Corporality to Digital Liveness: “Liveness” Redefined by Post Pandemic Online Theatre