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Migrant Workers and Marriage Immigrants from Southeastern Asia Narrating and Performing Their Life Stories: The Affective Space and Politics in People’s Theatre, Look at Us, The Cry of the Poor, and I Have a Dream
作者 林雯玲
Due to the nature of People’s Theatre, known for its rebelliousness and as one specific form of applied theatre, practitioners and sponsors of People’s Theatre in Taiwan greatly value and emphasize the visible effects that People’s Theatre could bring about. As a result, previous research on People’s Theatre tends to focus on examining how those participants, usually marginalized, are empowered and changed after workshops. By comparison, research on their performances after workshops is few and far between. Existing discussions, limited and short, either show frustration at the performances’ failure to generate visible social changes, or turn to a generalized concept called the aesthetics of People’s Theatre, that is, theatre for the people, by the people, and of the people. Inspired by Zhong Qiao’s referring to People’s Theatre as a dialectical, cultural and artistic act, I argue that the key to finding the aesthetics or a new perspective of looking at People’s Theatre lies in examining the nature of the group of participants, the form of their performance, and how such form may help connect the participants/performers with the audience members. In this article, I analyze three works of People’s Theatre by migrant workers or marriage immigrants from Southeast Asian countries, whose voices are rarely heard in Taiwanese society. Seeing their narration and performance of their life stories as an encounter with audience members, I propose using “an ethical and political affective space,” or “the aesthetics of affect,” to describe such an experience. Drawing on the concept of affect developing from the works of Baruch de Spinoza, the first part of the article examines how the performances evoke affective responses from the audience in three respects, which in turn causes subtle but observable ethical and political effect. The second part explores how the performances and the workshops are able to disrupt what Jacques Rancière calls “the distribution of the sensible” that dominates our life, creating new sensibility and allowing us to see the possibility of equality.
起訖頁 131-167
關鍵詞 民眾戲劇情動生命故事移民工劇場洪席耶People’s TheatreAffectLife storiesTheatre by Migrant Workers or Marriage ImmigrantsJacques Rancière
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 202301 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 一九七○年代泰國曼谷商業潮劇之劇團更迭與劇目發展
該期刊-下一篇 虛擬肉身與數位現場之間:後疫情時代臺灣視窗裡的線上戲劇「新現場」初探




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