戲劇研究 Journal of Theater Studies |
201201 (9期)期所有篇 |
- 「臨川四夢」的文化書寫與湯顯祖文人形象的虛擬塑造 The Culture of Four Plays About Dreams and the Virtual Creation of Scholars’ Figure by Tang Xianzu
- 近代上海京劇票界的生成 The Form of Peking Opera’s Piao Community in Modern Shanghai
- 荒謬劇喜感人物的幾種潛在閱讀 Possible Readings of the Comic Character in the Theatre of the Absurd
- 從西風東漸探究《孟小冬》服裝設計 Study on Costume Design of Meng Xiao-dong upon the Spread of Western Influences to the East
- 作者論與臺灣新電影 Auteurism and Taiwan New Cinema