歌之為言長言之也——曲唱發聲理論初探 To Sing is to Prolong the Sound of Words in Verse –An Exploration of Chinese Vocalization
新戲生成、女性閱讀與遺民意識:朱素臣《秦樓月》傳奇寫作與刊刻的前因後果 Drama Composition, Female Reading and Loyalist Complex: Composition and Publication of chuanqi Drama Qinlou yue by Zhu Su-chen
北管婚變戲《三官(關)堂》抄本的口語傳統套式運用與敘事結構 Formulaic Style of Oral Tradition and Narrative Structure in Beiguan Theatre Manuscripts of Sanguan Tan
戲劇的演出、傳播與政治鬥爭——以《怒吼吧,中國!》及其東亞演出史為中心 Theatre’s Performance, Circulation and Political Struggle –Focusing on the History of the Performance of Roar China! in East Asia
善惡對立與晦暗地帶:臺灣反共戲劇文本研究 Manichaeism and Its Deviations: Study of Anti-Communist Drama in Taiwan
鈴木忠志《特洛伊女人》當中的東西方交會 East Encountering West in Suzuki Tadashi’s The Trojan Women
賴聲川早期的「開放式集體即興創作」:《變奏巴哈》個案研究 The Experiments of the “Collective Improvisation” in the Early Creative Period of Stanley Lai: The Case of Bach Variations