期貨與選擇權學刊 Journal of Futures & Options |
201211 (5:2期)期所有篇 |
- 期貨商風險資本之計提:ANC與BIS的比較 Calculation of Risk-Based Capital Requirement for FCMs: A Comparison of ANC and BIS Requirements
- 美國2010金融改革法店頭衍生性商品集中結算之研究 A Study on the Central Clearing of Over-the-Counter Derivatives under the U.S. Financial Reform Act 2010
- 海外可轉換公司債轉換價格重設之市場反應與決定因素之探討 The Investigation of Market Response and Factors Influencing Conversion Price Resetting on Taiwanese Companies
- 不同信用評等之下可轉換公司債靜態套利實證分析 The Empirical Study on the Static Arbitrage Strategies of Convertible Bonds with Distinct Credit Ratings