屏東教育大學學報:教育類 Journal of Pingtung University of Education: Education
201009 (35期)期所有篇
不同教學方法增進學生科學本質學習成效之比較與分析 The Comparison and Analysis of Different Science Teaching Representation Improving Students Learning Effects in Nature of Science
新編自閉症者生活功能暨居家服務需求評估量表之研究 The Study on Revising the Living Abilities and Home-Care Needs Scale of AutisticAdolscent and Adult
實習教師在部落格中的社會網絡與互動行為 Investigating Pre-service Teachers' Feedback Behavior in the Blog Community: From the Perspective of Social Network Analysis
老人教育入口網站之建構 Construction on Educational Portal Website for the Elder
學校權力結構鉅觀制度變遷之研究 A Study on the Changes of Macro Institutions Affecting School Power Structure
轉介前識字教學介入對國小一年級識字困難學童的學習效果 Learning Effects of Preferral-Word-Recognition Intervention for 1st Grade Students with Learning Difficulties