彰化師大教育學報 Journal of Education National Changhua University of Education |
201112 (20期)期所有篇 |
- 學校分布式領導與創新經營之研究:以台中市國民小學為例 Distributed Leadership and Innovation Management in Elementary Schools: Taking Taichung Municipal Elementary Schools for Example
- 職前敎師對師資培育課程與敎學的看法與建議 The Perception of Preservice Teachers to the Teacher Education Program
- N. Noddings關懷倫理學之課程設計與實施 An Investigation of Applying the Theory of Noddings9 Ethics of Care to the Curriculum Design and Implementation
- 新移民子女的人際關係與幸福感之研究 A Study on Interpersonal Relationships and Well-being for Immigrant Children
- 整合論證敎學與創造力問題解決敎學之研究 The research of integration in argumentation instruction and creative problem-solving instruction