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N. Noddings關懷倫理學之課程設計與實施
An Investigation of Applying the Theory of Noddings9 Ethics of Care to the Curriculum Design and Implementation
作者 楊忠斌 (Chung-Ping Yang)林素卿 (Su-Ching Lin)劉芳绮
在道德教育領域中,Noddings的關懷倫理學已成為一重要的理論。本研究旨在根 據其理念設計課程,實踐於國中教育場域,以探究其成效。本研究採行動研究,以33 位國一生為對象,依關懷倫理學的理念,設計關懷自己、關懷身邊的人、關懷陌生人、 關懷生活環境等四大主題的課程,運用身教、對話、練習、肯定四種教育方法進行教 學,教學活動包括遊戲、故事、影片、小組討論、心得分享等。研究結果如下:1.對 課程之感受:大部分的學生皆能透過討論、分享、繪本、體驗活動引發關懷的感受, 享受關懷自我、他人與環境的喜悅,認同關懷課程的意義。2.關懷品格的進展:懂得 肯定自我、控制自我情緒、關懷彼此、關懷家人、關懷生活環境。3.課程設計與實施 方面:Noddings的理論雖有其洞見,但仍有一些問題。課程設計與實施的問題也有待 進一步克服與改進。
N. Noddings5 ethics of care is becoming a major theory in the field of moral education. This study on the action research project focused on applying the theory of Noddings5 ethics of care to the curriculum design and implementation of moral education in order to improve students’ character. There were 33 seven-grade students from the same class participated in this study. Data were collected from a number of different sources: direct observation notes by the researchers, semi-structured interviews, surveys, and document analysis. Data analysis included three stages: organizing data, coding data, and analyzing and interpreting data. A descriptive analysis was used to analyze all data obtained in this study. The results of this study indicated using ethics of care as education theory to design curriculum could help students to discuss, share and experience the activities and inspire their caring feelings, and to learn self-recognition, emotion control, caring family and friends. Most students enjoyed caring curriculum and learned how to care about themselves and others from this caring curriculum. However, there were still many obstacles that needed to be overcome. Suggestions for improving the application of Noddings’ ethics of care to curriculum design and implementation of moral education in the future were also included.
起訖頁 047-072
關鍵詞 諾丁關懷倫理學課程設計課程實施N. Noddingsethics of carecurriculum designcurriculum implementation
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 201112 (20期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 職前敎師對師資培育課程與敎學的看法與建議
該期刊-下一篇 新移民子女的人際關係與幸福感之研究




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