彰化師大教育學報 Journal of Education National Changhua University of Education |
201106 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 華人心理傳統性與心理現代性研究之回顧與前瞻 A critical review of psychological traditionality and modernity among the Chinese people
- 工作價値落差與工作態度之關聯 Lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics%2C and its associations with work attitudes
- 首次離家大學女生對家的觀感一初探研究 First-time leave-home college freshwomen’s perception of home —a pilot study
- Richard Rorty無鏡哲學敎育蘊義之研究 The study of the implication of Rorty’s philosophical thoughts on education