林業研究季刊 Quarterly Journal of Forest Research |
201809 (40:3期)期所有篇 |
- 天然災害損失之經濟評估 Economic assessment of the loss from natural disasters
- 台灣植物誌新增之二種歸化植物 Two new naturalized plants to the Flora of Taiwan
- 蒲公英舅屬 (菊科,PyrrhopappusDC. ),台灣新紀錄屬及其歸化種 Pyrrhopappus DC. (Asteraceae), a new-recorded genus and its naturalized species to the Flora of Taiwan
- 雪山雪東線步道玉山杜鵑葉片結構特徵沿海拔梯度的變化 Variation of leaf traits of Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum along an altitudinal gradient at the East Xue Trail of the Xue Mountain
- 絲葉艾:台灣一種新歸化植物之分類補遺 Artemisia fi lifolia Torr. (Compositae): taxonomic supplement for a new naturalized plant in Taiwan
- 臺灣產龍膽科新紀錄屬及新紀錄種:鋪地穿心草 Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. (Gentianaceae), a newly recorded genus and species in Taiwan