臺灣產茄屬植物核酸多形性之研究 Studies on the DNA polymorphism of Solanum in Taiwan
關刀溪森林生態系三種林分氮的沉降 Nitrogen Deposition in Three Stands of Guandaushi Forest Ecosystem
不同遊憩機會步道可接受限度指標因子建立之研究──以藤枝森林遊樂區為例 Designing LAC Indicators of Different Recreation Opportunity Trails - A Case Study of Teng-Zhi Forest Recreation Area
褐斑著生紙質文物之漂洗處理 Removal of Foxed Spots on Paper-based Cultural Relics by Bleaching Process
順丁烯二酐/丙三醇處理材之尺寸安定性 Dimensional Stability of Maleic Anhydride-Glycerol Treated Wood